10 Most Astonishing Secrets About The Human Body Revealed

10 Most Astonishing Secrets About The Human Body Revealed

10 Most Astonishing Secrets About The Human Body Revealed. Get ready to be amazed by the most intricate, fascinating, and often mysterious machine on the planet – the human body. From the tiny cells that comprise our being to the complex systems that keep us alive, our bodies are capable of astonishing feats. But how much do we really know about ourselves? From hidden organs to incredible abilities, we’re about to uncover the 10 most astonishing secrets about the human body that will leave you wondering, marveling, and maybe even rethinking what it means to be human.


1. Your brain is most active when you’re asleep.

10 Most Astonishing Secrets About The Human Body Revealed

Studies show that there are fundamental differences in brain function during daytime and nighttime. While you are getting rest and dreaming, your brain is essentially revitalizing itself. It gets rid of toxins and stores important information. Not only that your brain also prepares you for the next day both physically and mentally. So, try to get adequate sleep every night.

2. Our bodies give off a tiny amount of light that’s too weak for the eye to see.

10 Most Astonishing Secrets About The Human Body Revealed

It’s not just the human body, but, all living beings emit very weak light, which is thought to be a byproduct of biochemical reactions involving free radicals. Masaki Kobayashi from the Tohoku Institute of Technology managed to photograph the dim glow of humans using an incredibly sensitive camera, able to detect the dimmest of lights.

3. When you blush, the inside of your stomach does too.


Blushing happens when a surge of adrenaline caused by anxiety or embarrassment makes tiny blood vessels called capillaries widen all over your body, increasing blood flow. This is especially obvious in your cheeks but it turns out, it happens in your stomach lining as well. According to Santa Clara University, blushing is also a part of your body’s “fight-or-flight” mechanism.

4. The human heart beats more than three billion times in an average lifespan.

human heart

Your heart beats about 100,000 times in one day and about 35 million times in a year. During an average lifetime, the human heart will beat more than three billion times.

5. Human teeth are just as strong as shark teeth.

human teeth

Even though your teeth are largely composed of a mineral softer than that found in sharks, new tests reported in the Journal of Structural Biology suggest that they’re just as tough. A team of German scientists studied the teeth of the short-fin mako and tiger shark and discovered that they have similar tooth structures us. While the enamel in human teeth is softer, consisting of the mineral hydroxyapatite, the overall strength of human teeth was on a par with that of the shark, the scientists found.

6. The cornea is the only part of the body with no blood supply. It gets its oxygen directly from the air.

10 Most Astonishing Secrets About The Human Body Revealed

The cornea provides most of an eye’s optical power and is also sensitive to touch, temperature, and chemicals, which provides safety by causing involuntary reflexes to close the eyelid. Not only that! The cornea is also the fastest-healing tissue in the human body. According to Shoreline Vision, most cornea abrasions will heal within 24-36 hours.

7. Every day you breathe up to 30,000 times.


Breathing is something we automatically do and is vital for our survival. We inhale and exhale approximately 22,000 to 30,000 times a day based on our physical activities throughout the day.

8. 90% of illnesses are caused by stress.


The human body is a complex piece of machinery and so is understanding the relationship between stress and illness. Numerous surveys however confirm that the average American is under much more stress than a decade or two ago. Studies also show that most doctors’ visits are related to stress in the body and that relaxing and properly managing stress plays a vital role in sustaining one’s happiness and health.

9. We have no sense of smell when we’re sleeping.

sense of smell

While light, noise, and comfort can impact our sleep, a study conducted by New Brown University found that smell is something that will not wake us up. During the study, participants easily detected odors when awake and in the early transition into sleep, but, once asleep, did not.

10. From the moment we live till the end, the human body goes from having 300 bones to just 206.

10 Most Astonishing Secrets About The Human Body Revealed

We are born with more cartilage (than bone), but as time goes by, it gradually turns into bone over time through a process called endochondral ossification. As we age, many small bony segments fuse to form a single bone. So, when we are born, we have about 90-95 bones than an adult.


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