12 Facts So Wild, You’ll Remember Them Forever

12 Facts So Wild, You'll Remember Them Forever

12 Facts So Wild, You’ll Remember Them Forever. Prepare to have your mind blown! Get ready to encounter facts so astonishing, so unbelievable, and so utterly wild that they’ll sear themselves into your memory forever. From the bizarre to the incredible, the following 12 facts will take you on a journey to the most unexpected corners of our world, where the impossible becomes possible and the ordinary becomes extraordinary. Buckle up, because these remarkable revelations will challenge your assumptions, spark your curiosity, and leave you wondering about the incredible complexities of our universe.


Wild facts

1. Two-thirds of the human population has never seen snow.

12 Facts So Wild, You'll Remember Them Forever

China and India, are the world’s two most populous countries. Since most of the people from both countries live in areas that do not experience snow, it makes most of the population that have never experienced snow in their life.

2. Manatees pass gas as a form of swimming technique to sink deeper into the water.


Buoyancy is vital for swimming manatees, and they rely on digestive gas to keep them afloat. This means that when they have a lot of gas stored up, they become buoyant, floating to the surface of gas stored up, they become buoyant, floating to the surface of the water. It also means that when they want to go deep underwater, they can simply pass gas and become a submarine.

3. Crows have the critical thinking skills of a 7-year-old, which is far superior to most animals.


New Caledonian crows are as good at reasoning as human seven-year-olds, according to researchers. During the study, researchers noticed that crows demonstrated an ability to choose objects that would sink rather than float to obtain floating food rewards by dropping heavy objects into water-filled tubes. “The birds’ understanding of the effects of volume displacement matched that of a human aged five to seven”, said the scientists.

4. There are pink dolphins in the Amazon River.

12 Facts So Wild, You'll Remember Them Forever

Facts state that the Amazon River dolphin, also known as the pink river dolphin or boto, lives only in freshwater. It is found throughout much of the Amazon and Orinoco river basins in Bolivia, Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela.

5. In 2012, French Beekeepers could not solve the mystery of the blue and green colored honey in their beehives until they discovered that the bees were visiting a local M&M factory.

French beekeepers

Back in 2012, French beekeepers were baffled to find other shades of honey rather than the natural golden one. In an effort to discover the secret to the blue and green colored honey, they started investing, only to find that a biogas plant 2.5 miles away has been processing waste from a Mars plant producing M&M’s, bite-sized candles in bright red, blue, green, yellow and brown shells.

6.Thai speakers pronounce the number 5 as ‘ha’, so they often write ‘55555’ instead of ‘hahahahaha’.

12 Facts So Wild, You'll Remember Them Forever

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7. Cats can be allergic to humans.

12 Facts So Wild, You'll Remember Them Forever

In rare cases, cats can become allergic to people.

8. If you keep your goldfish in a dark room, its color will fade.


Their color not only comes from the food they eat but is also enhanced by sunlight or other sources of natural UVA and UVB. If you have left a goldfish in a dimly lit room, you will notice that it changed its color from golden orange to pale orange. Goldfish, like koi, are a type of carp and have pigment in their skin that reacts to light. When their skin is deprived of light or they have less exposure, the impact can be seen on their skin.

9. Flowers grow faster when listening to music.


Like humans, music has an influence on plants and the rate of their growth. Numerous studies have indicated that playing music for plants really promotes faster, healthier growth. One study found that plants “listening” to rock music deteriorated quickly whereas plants thrived when exposed to classical music, especially when the flute, violin, harmonium, and reena music were played. Researchers at Annamalai University exposed various plants to the vibrations from traditional Indian dance and found that the violin was the most effective instrument. Canadian engineer Eugene Canby replicated the study where he exposed his wheat fields to J.S. Bach’s violin sonata and experienced a 66% increase in yield.

10. According to scientists, the higher a person’s IQ, the more often he or she dreams at night.

12 Facts So Wild, You'll Remember Them Forever

Not only that, thanks to brain imaging, scientists now have a better idea of which parts of the brain are associated with dreaming. More recently, in 2017, researchers discovered that high dream recall is also linked to higher activity toward the front of the brain. Researchers have linked the pre-frontal cortex, responsible for abstract thinking, to dream recall and lucid dreaming.

11. Pirates used to cover one eye with a black patch to improve their night vision.


Pirates’ eye patches likely served a practical purpose, rather than intimidating appearance or hiding missing eyes. In reality, pirates had to move above decks and below them, all the time. However, it takes around 25 minutes for our eyes to adapt when going from bright light to darkness. So, some smart pirates wore eye patches that covered one of their eyes. Pirates could switch their eye patch to adapt to darkness below decks, allowing easy visibility. MythBusters tested this hypothesis in their pirate special in 2007 and determined that it was plausible.

12. It took 48 years after the can’s invention for Ezra Warner to invent the can opener.

can opener

In 1795, Napoleon Bonaparte offered a significant prize “for anyone who invented a preservation method that would allow his army’s food to remain unspoiled during its long journey to the troops’. A scientist named Nicolas Appert claimed the prize in the early 1800s. But, his process used jars with lids rather than tin cans. Later that year, Peter Durand, received a patient from King George III for the world’s first can made of iron, which meant that the only way to open them was with the help of a hammer and a chisel. Ezra Warner patented the first dedicated can opener in 1858, nearly half a century after the invention of the can. This is revolutionizing food storage and accessibility.


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