World Bank Net Worth, History, Assets and Finances

World bank net worth

With a mission to reduce poverty and promote economic growth, the World Bank is a behemoth of international finance. But have you ever wondered what the World Bank’s financial statement looks like?


As it turns out, the organization’s net worth is a staggering figure, rivaling the GDP of small countries. With assets exceeding $500 billion and a portfolio spanning over 130 countries, the World Bank’s balance sheet is a fascinating glimpse into the inner workings of global development finance.

Let’s take a closer look at the World Bank’s net worth and explore what it reveals about its role in shaping the world’s economy.

The World Bank History and Establishment

The World Bank is an international financial institution that provides loans and grants to the governments of low- and middle-income countries to pursue capital projects.

The World Bank

Additionally, the World Bank is the collective name for the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and International Development Association (IDA), two of five international organizations owned by the World Bank Group.

However, it was established along with the International Monetary Fund at the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference. After a slow start, its first loan was to France in 1947. In the 1970s, it focused on loans to developing world countries, shifting away from that mission in the 1980s. For the last 30 years, it has included NGOs and environmental groups in its loan portfolio.

More so, its loan strategy is influenced by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, as well as environmental and social safeguards.

The World Bank net worth.

The World Bank’s net worth is approximately $554 billion USD (as of 2022). This includes:

  1. Total Assets: $573 billion

– Loans and credits to developing countries: $344 billion

– Investments in securities and deposits: $123 billion

– Cash and liquid assets: $106 billion

  1. Total Liabilities: $19 billion

– Borrowings from capital markets: $14 billion

– Other liabilities (e.g., pension obligations): $5 billion

  1. Net Worth (Equity): $554 billion

– Representing the difference between Total Assets and Total Liabilities

The World Bank’s net worth is significant, considering:

– It’s more than the GDP of many countries, such as Sweden or Poland.

– It’s roughly equivalent to the combined GDP of the 20 poorest countries in the world.

– It provides a substantial cushion for the World Bank to absorb potential losses and maintain its credit rating.

In addition, keep in mind that the World Bank’s financials are complex and subject to fluctuations. These figures are meant to provide a general idea of its net worth.

Who is the President of the World Bank?

The Executive Directors of the World Bank  selected Ajay Banga as President of the World Bank for a five-year term beginning June 2, 2023.

The Executive Directors followed the selection process agreed by shareholders in 2011. The process included an open, merit-based, and transparent nomination where any national of the Bank’s membership could be proposed by any Executive Director or Governor through an Executive Director. This was then followed by thorough due diligence and a comprehensive interview of Mr. Banga by the Executive Directors.

The Board looks forward to working with Mr. Banga on the World Bank Group Evolution process, as discussed at the April 2023 Spring Meetings, and on all the World Bank Group’s ambitions and efforts aimed at tackling the toughest development challenges facing developing countries.

The President of the World Bank Group is also the Chair of the Board of the Executive Directors of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). The President is also ex officio chair of the Board of Directors of the International Development Association (IDA), International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), and of the Administrative Council of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).

What does the World Bank’s net worth comprise?

The World Bank’s net worth is comprised of:

  1. Paid-in capital: $14.4 billion (contributed by member countries)
  2. Retained earnings: $541.6 billion (accumulated profits from lending and investing activities)
  3. Revaluation reserves: $10.8 billion (gains from currency fluctuations and asset revaluations)
The World Bank uses its net worth to:
  1. Finance development projects and programs in developing countries
  2. Provide guarantees and risk management products to support private sector investment
  3. Invest in securities and deposits to generate returns
  4. Maintain a credit rating to access capital markets at favorable terms
Knowledge about the World Bank’s net worth:
  1. It has grown steadily over the years, with a compound annual growth rate of 7.1% from 2010 to 2022.
  2. The World Bank’s net worth is roughly 3.5 times its subscribed capital (the amount member countries have committed to contribute).
  3. The organization aims to maintain a minimum net worth of 2.5 times its subscribed capital to ensure financial stability.

In general, the World Bank’s significant net worth enables it to play a crucial role in global development finance, providing financial support and expertise to help countries achieve their development goals.

More knowledge about the World Bank’s net worth

  1. The World Bank’s return on equity (ROE) has averaged around 5-6% in recent years, indicating a relatively stable and low-risk investment approach.
  2. The organization’s net worth is invested across various asset classes, including:

– Government securities (e.g., US Treasury bonds)

– Corporate bonds

– Equities (stocks)

– Loans to developing countries

– Cash and liquid assets

  1. The World Bank’s investment portfolio is diversified across regions and sectors to minimize risk and maximize returns.
  2. More so, the organization’s net worth is not distributed as dividends to member countries; instead, it is reinvested to support development activities.
  3. The World Bank’s financial statements are audited annually by external auditors to ensure transparency and accountability.
Comparison with other international organizations:

The World Bank


  1. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has a net worth of around $130 billion, significantly lower than the World Bank’s.
  2. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has a net worth of around $30 billion, while the African Development Bank (AfDB) has a net worth of around $10 billion.

In conclusion, these comparisons highlight the World Bank’s unique position as a leading global development finance institution, with a significant net worth enabling it to play a critical role in addressing development challenges worldwide.


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