Mind-Blowing Shower Thoughts That Challenge Reality

Mind-Blowing Shower Thoughts That Challenge Reality

Mind-Blowing Shower Thoughts That Challenge Reality. There’s something peculiar about the shower – a sacred space where water, warmth, and solitude converge to unlock the deepest recesses of our minds. Hence, it’s here, amidst the steam and soap, that profound questions and bewildering epiphanies emerge, challenging our understanding of reality. From the nature of time and space to the human condition, the shower becomes a philosophical playground where the ordinary rules of thinking are washed away. In this article, we’ll delve into the most mind-blowing shower thoughts that will leave you questioning everything – from the meaning of life to the fabric of reality itself.


Possible Thoughts while in the Shower

1. If we get up 10 minutes earlier than usual, we treat it like 2 extra hours and end up late for work.

Mind-Blowing Shower Thoughts That Challenge Reality

2. We’ve woken up over 10,000 times and we are still not used to it.

3. Christmas feels more like a deadline than a holiday.

4. “DO NOT TOUCH” would probably be a really upsetting thing to read in braille.

5. We talk about Ancient Romans like they were basically all the same, but the civilization lasted almost 1000 years. That’s like saying people in 2016 and 1016 are the same.

6. If automobiles become outdated tech in the future, then, there will be a ton of useless roads that future generations will have to get rid of.


7. Using solar panels to power an air conditioning unit is like using the Sun’s power against itself.

8. Dogs probably destroy shoes because they see humans put them on before they leave the house.

9. A day includes the night but the night doesn’t include the day.

10. A fine is a tax for doing wrong, and a taxi is a fine for doing well.

Discover more thoughts

11.  Your siblings are living alternate versions of what could have been you.

Mind-Blowing Shower Thoughts That Challenge Reality

12. “Go to bed, you’ll feel better in the morning” is the human version of “Did you turn it off and turn it back on again?”

13. The Olympics should have a ‘For Fun’ section of all the games so all the athletes can try different sports.

14. Tall people are expected to use their reach to people to help shorter people, but if a tall person were to ask a short person to hand them something they dropped on the floor it’d be insulting.

15. Humans are really bad at recharging. It takes about 8 hours to charge for 16 hours of use.

16. Scientists are adult kids in the ‘why phase’.

17. Clapping is just hitting your hands together repeatedly because you like something. You are never done clapping until the last time in your life that you clap. Every other clap is just in longer intervals but from your first to last ever clap you are continually clapping.

18. When jogging, we put on special clothes so people don’t think we are running from or to something.

19. If a stranger insults you, you will probably ignore it, as their opinion is meaningless. However, if a stranger compliments you, you’ll probably treasure it, as their opinion is important.

Mind-Blowing Shower Thoughts That Challenge Reality

20. Earth is like a guy who knows exactly where to stand next to a bonfire.

21. History classes are only going to get longer and harder as time goes on.

22. If cats had wings, they’d still just lay there.

23. Some women want their outfits to be noticed. At the same time, some men would prefer that no one notices it so they can still wear it the next day.

24. Growing up, 99.9% of the time we cried because of physical pain. As adults, 99.9% of the time we cry because of emotional pain.

25. When people think about traveling to the past, they worry about accidentally changing the present, but no one in the present really thinks they can radically change the future.

26. However, there should be a millennial edition of Monopoly where you just walk around the board paying rent, never able to buy anything.

More thoughts you haven’t considered

27. Nothing is on fire, fire is on things.

28. If Google matched people up by their browsing history, it could be the greatest online dating website of all time.

29. If aliens come to Earth, we have to explain why we made dozens of movies in which we fight and defeat them.

Mind-Blowing Shower Thoughts That Challenge Reality

30. Four-leaf clovers are getting rarer due to humans intensively finding and picking them, eliminating those mutations from the gene pool.

31. The reason older relatives are surprised to see how tall you are is because you’ve grown as they’ve shrunk.

32. If there is a creator of the universe, then scientists in fields such as physics or biology are reverse engineers.

33. Growing up is having the ability to recognize a bad decision before you make it, and then choosing to make it anyway.

Mind-Blowing Shower Thoughts That Challenge Reality

34. If humans could fly we would consider it exercise and never do it.

If humans could fly

35. You trust the bank with all of your money and finances, but they don’t even trust you not to take their 20-cent pens.

36. Depending on how badly they failed, “you did your best” is actually an insult.

37. If you’re 25, you’ve been alive for over 10% of US history

38. There might have been some incredible scientific discoveries that were kept secret and never published because the discoverer was worried about their military applications.

39. Since your brain lets you do stuff that is bad for your body, those two are probably not best friends.


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